PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 7 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another

Further Study March 26, 2017

1 Samuel 7

God shows favor to those who trust Him and do what He says.

1. Review the following passages. What part does obedience play in being a true follower/disciple of Jesus Christ?

Matthew 7:24-29            Mark 8:34-38                 Luke 14:25-27

2. Discuss what it means to “count the cost” of being a disciple of Jesus. Read the following passages for insight.

Luke 12:51-53               Luke 14:28-33

3. Discuss the idea that obedience to God might be optional for followers of Jesus.

 - Where does such an idea come from?

- Do you agree with this idea – honestly? Share areas where you have struggled in obedience.

4. Read John 15:1-8. What is God’s desire for His people?

5. Is obedience something WE produce in our own power? Where do followers of Jesus find strength to obey?

John 15:26,27                John 16:7-14

6. Do you, or have you ever, acted as if God owes you something for your obedience? Share your experiences. Discuss why that attitude is not a biblical worldview.

7. In 1 Samuel 7, what kind of impact did God’s favor have on Israel and their enemies as a result of their repentance and obedience?

How might our own repentance and obedience result in God’s favor?

8. Review the GoGrow Initiative below and your involvement.

 - How has God worked in you – share how you’ve seen Him change you.

 - What areas is God still working on in you? In our church family?

- What is God’s Spirit showing you that needs repentance and belief and obedience right now?

GoGrow Initiative

FOUNDATION                      FRAMING                    FINISHING

Jesus Christ                         Gospel                         Small grp involvement

His glory                              Discipleship                Connection Workshop

His Kingdom                                                            Usable space for growth

                                                                                 Each ministry connected