Plattsmouth Bible Church’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our focus and foundation is Jesus Christ, His glory, and His Kingdom. Our ministries and programs are designed to help nonbelievers come to know and follow Jesus and to help believers live for and follow Him. With Jesus Christ as our foundation, the frame of what God is building is the gospel (our message) and discipleship (our mission).

Where we came from

Plattsmouth Bible Church started in 1996 through a prayer meeting of individuals interested in a Bible-preaching, relevant church in the Plattsmouth community. That group prayed for 2 years and in October of 1998, the first gathering was held – “church@three” in the old Plattsmouth Community Center. Six months later, the new church family purchased an abandoned church building at 1602 First Ave and restored the basement to begin meeting together.

Over the following seven years, the rest of the church building was restored with no debt and amazing provisions from God. During that time, the church family grew in size and depth. In 2007, Twin Rivers Fellowship – another church plant in Plattsmouth – had major changes from their planting organization and became part of Plattsmouth Bible Church. This addition of people and insight has strengthened the overall ministry of Plattsmouth Bible Church.

For over 20 years, God has blessed PBC in miraculous ways!  One of those ways was with more people, we quickly realized we needed more space.  On August 15, 2024, PBC was blessed, once again, with the opportunity to purchase a new (to us) future site for our church family to gather.  This new site is located at 2400 8th Ave, in Plattsmouth (formerly No Frills Grocery Store). We continue to trust in the Lord to provide as we renovate this new site.  Through that trust, we remain focused on Christ’s desire for the church to be about restoring people's lives and not putting up walls.  We’re excited to see what Christ has in store for us as we go and grow!  

A fellowship we’re connected to

Plattsmouth Bible Church is part of the Berean Fellowship of Churches, a non-denominational group of interdependent churches with devotion to biblical truth and reaching the world. More information about the Berean Fellowship of Churches can be found at Each Berean church is autonomous and loosely connected with the other churches in the Fellowship, holding the same devotion to God’s Word, God’s plans, and God’s people.

It’s about the people

At PBC, we emphasize the importance of small groups in the growth of the individual believer. We have various small groups focused on different growth areas. There is a place for YOU to connect with us at PBC!  Go here to take the next step, complete the form and indicate you’re interested in joining a small group.  For more information on our small groups - go here.

This video was originally created for the Sunday Gathering on October 28, 2018. It is 1 of 2 video's we used for our 20th Anniversary Celebration gatherings at PBC. It highlights the history of PBC, interviewing Mike Wolfe and how God started PBC and how God worked in some amazing ways to make His powerful presence known. It also includes interviews from Greg Zamora (PBC associate pastor of connection) and Diane Stewart, who were both part of the PBC Family at the beginning. Please visit to hear the entire message.