

Available during both 9:00 & 10:45 corporate church gatherings for children infant - 2 years. Talk to Amy Gordon or Jordon Watkins to serve in the nursery.

Children's Church

PBCKids is an opportunity for children age 3 through 6th grade during the 10:45 gathering to learn more of the truth and commands of Jesus - to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.


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VBS for 2024 was The Great Jungle Journey. Check out the video above to see a few memories of the Jungle River Cruise.


At Vacation Bible School, we proclaim the gospel and pursue making disciples in children ages 5 through 12, through fun activities in the late summer. If you’re interested in serving on our VBS team, talk to one of our VBS Directors: Jordon Watkins, Mike McKnelly or Michael Perkins for more information.

VBS 2025 will be June 23 - 27, 2025! Come aboard the WONDER JUNCTION VBS. Watch the video below for more info.

Come aboard the WONDER JUNCTION VBS, June 23 - 27, 2025!! Watch here for updates!


J-Walkers Youth

Plattsmouth Bible Church's Youth Group, aka J-Walkers, exists to make disciples of young people who live for Jesus Christ, HIS glory and HIS Kingdom, learning to love God with all their hearts and draw more of their peers into God's family as they walk with Christ.

All students in 6th - 12th grades are Welcome!  J-Walkers meet on Sundays from 3 - 4:30 PM, at the Church Building.

Jordon Watkins is our Youth Pastor and our amazing volunteer youth helpers are Aaron and Caitie Hamilton, Bryan Hall, April and Michael Wright, and Mike McKnelly. We’re always looking for volunteers to help with youth. If you’re interested, talk to Jordon!

If you have more questions about J-Walkers Youth, contact Jordon by email:

Check out the J-Walkers Facebook page for up-to-date info.

Summer Camp | Winter Retreat

J-Walkers will be attending Summer Camp at Maranatha Bible Camp, in Maxwell, NE. Middle School Camp is for students entering grades 6th through 8th and High School Camp is for students entering 9th through 12th grade. Spend an incredible week out at camp creating adventurous memories and diving into the presence of Jesus Christ!

J-Walkers also attends Winter Retreat at Camp Rivercrest in Fremont, NE. Winter Retreat is open to students in 6th through 12th grades.

Contact Jordon prior to registering or for more information.



 Ages & Stages

This is a gathering for women of all ages and stages of life to encourage and love each other.  A&S meets the first Thursday of every month with a different lady hosting in her home. Women of all ages are welcome to attend.

Check the calendar for more information or contact Kenna Anderson.


Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study meets every Thursday, at both 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM at the church building.

Women’s Bible Study is currently doing a study called Luke: Gut Level Compassion, by Lisa Harper.


Titus 2 Tuesdays

PBC Women has started a new ministry on the first Tuesday of each month, at 9:30 AM. Titus 2 Tuesdays (T3) is a ministry created to encourage and buildup women of all ages, with or without children. Women - join us for a time of fellowship, Bible study, breaking bread, and loving one another. Childcare will be provided, watch this video for more information.

Ladies - lets experience life together!


Men's Breakfast

PBC Men gather to share a meal and a time of encouragement and growth from the Word of God. This gathering meets on Saturdays at 8 AM, at the church building. Men are currently studying the book of Acts.

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Narrow Gate Recovery

A Christ-Centered group, for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of ANY kind. Narrow Gate Recovery meets on Monday Nights at 7:00 PM in the PBC Basement. Contact Skeeter Gordon or email the office at: for more information or to find out how to join this group.



As iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17) men are called to gather together for discipleship, mentorship and encouragement. They’re a group open to all PBC men and boys, around 5th grade and up, and is a place to learn how to be men of god and train up men of God. Every month they meet at a new location and have opportunities to hear from other men as they share knowledge related to trades or activities (fishing, blacksmith, mechanics, etc) as well as sharing of testimonies or leading a devotional. Talk to Jordon Watkins, Mike McKnelly, or Shane Snipes for more info.

Forged leadership is looking for new men to Lead this ministry - talk to Mike McKnelly or Jordon Watkins for more info.


Bee Blessed

Bee Blessed is for anyone that loves to craft! They gather once per month to create for our community. They’re currently working on hand-made quilts for newborns in the PBC family, as well as law enforcement and first responders, so they can give them to the homeless or to those in need from a fire or catastrophic incident. For more information on Bee Blessed, talk to Carla Faulkner.

Small Groups

Visit the Small Groups page for more info.


World Mission Team

The World Mission Team is in place to help people live for Jesus Christ, HIS glory and HIS Kingdom, and to educate and engage PBC, in local and global missions. The church reaches out locally through Training for Trainers (T4T), the Jail Ministry, Clothing Giveaway, and the monthly Community Food Pantry, seeking to proclaim Christ in word and deed. The church reaches out nationally by supporting church plants through the Berean Fellowship of Churches. The World Mission Team seeks to assist the church family to answer the call to make disciples of all nations.


Jail Ministry

Sunday afternoon Church Services

Proclamation of the good news for both men and women (separately) in the Cass County Jail on Sundays at 1:45 PM. 

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study

This gathering is for female inmates only and meets for in depth study on issues of life directly concerning their life circumstances. Wednesdays at 1:30 PM


Community Outreach


Community Food Pantry

Each month on the third Friday, PBC hosts a food giveaway for our neighbors. This is a great opportunity for the church family to meet, serve, and to pray for our neighbors and for God to open doors for the gospel.

Community Clothing Giveaway

This outreach happens twice a year usually in March and August. Free clothes are available to anyone in the community. Serving and sharing with our neighbors in tangible ways allows open doors for the gospel.




On months with five Sundays, the PBC family gathers for EXALT! - an evening exalting the Lord Jesus Christ in worship. Special music, vocal and instrumental solos, dance, testimonies, and other gifts are shared, all for the glory of Jesus Christ our Savior.


Evening of Prayer

Every Wednesday, at 6:30 PM, a group of intercessors gather to pray specifically for Jesus Christ to be known, His glory to be seen and experienced, and His Kingdom to be built in our local area and around the world.


See the Topical Groups page for more PBC gatherings.