Resurrection Sunday 2017 - Resurrection IN US Who Believe!

Also included is the dedication of Jordon and Becca Watkins and their daughter, Josie.


PRAY for God's work in you personally, in our PBC family, and in our community to make fully devoted followers of Jesus and to use us to overwhelm the culture of separation and death around us.

READ 1 Samuel 10:17-11:15 - also continue to read Judges to review what the culture of 1 Samuel was like.

OBEY what God says and moves you to do as a result of prayer and reading and interaction with other followers of Jesus.

SHARE God's work with other believers for encouragement and prayer and spurring one another on to love and good deeds.

The video above shows the graphics displayed during the message.

1 Samuel 9 & 10 - Trust God in National Leadership Issues

ASSIGNMENT for April 9 - 15

Sunday, April 16, 2017 is Resurrection Sunday! Read the accounts of the resurrection of Jesus in each of the 4 Gospels this week. Everyone is invited to join the entire PBC family at 10:45 AM this Sunday.

Further Study Notes for April 9, 2017

1 Samuel 9 – 10:16

Applying a Biblical Worldview to Trust God in the Issue of Government and Authorities

1. Read the passage (refer to 1 Samuel 8 if needed). How did Samuel make it apparent that he disagreed with Israel’s demand for a human king?

How did God lead Samuel to submit in this instance? Summarize Samuel’s submission in a brief statement.

2. Read Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Timothy 2:1-6. Discuss the following issues based on these passages:

         - the American revolution

         - the recorded response of US citizens and soldiers during World War II

         - the current political situation

3. In the message, it was stated that “my own [political] view is of no consequence,” and then immediately connected to Jesus’s command to count the cost of being His disciple (read Luke 14:25-33). How are these two statements related in our current political climate, to our own political views, and our submission to our true King?

4. What about this message rubbed you the “wrong way?” How does that “rubbing” stand up to Romans 13 and 1 Timothy 2? What needs to happen in you in this regard?

5. Read Romans 13:1,2 again and compare to Proverbs 21:1. Evaluate your concerns and turmoil related to tension (if any) in our nation, past or present, and in yourself about national leadership.

6. How have you disobeyed God in regard to this issue? Consider your feeling, words, and actions right now – over the past 8 years – throughout your adult/voting life. If necessary, confess and respond in obedience – share with others what God is doing.

7. The main point of this message was “trust God in any circumstance – especially related to governing officials and authorities.” DO you? Do you see God as trustworthy – even when we/you cannot possibly see HOW He is?

Repentance and belief are our response when we don’t hold to God’s commands or obey them. Take the necessary action – and share with someone you trust.

1 Samuel 8 - Jesus WANTS to Be King of Our Lives


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 9:1-10:16 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another

Further Study April 2, 2017

1. Read 1 Samuel 8:1-5. Does this passage SAY anything about Samuel’s “success” as a parent? What DOES this passage say?

2. Discuss the possible relationship between parenting effectiveness and children who are or are not godly.

Is this a black and white issue, according to Scripture? Why?

3. Read Exodus 20:5 and 34:6,7. What action, on the part of the follower of Jesus, can overcome this consequence? How do you know?

4. Read 1 Samuel 8:5-22. Discuss the “pain” God expresses to Samuel in verses 5-9. Discuss God’s love and patience and forgiveness related to this circumstance. Discuss God’s love and patience and forgiveness related to YOUR circumstances.

5. How do the rights of the human king in 1 Samuel 8:10-18 relate to God’s desire to be Israel’s King? Discuss the contrast between a human ruler with these rights and God as King.

6. Read the following passages. How and why are God’s people supposed to be different and set apart from the world (people in the world who do not hold a biblical worldview)?Song of Songs 2:10-13   1 Peter 1:13-21     1 Peter 2:9-12       1 John 2:15-17

7. Knowing God’s desire for our holiness, what issues of your life need repentance and belief? In other words, what areas of your life are more like the world’s view than God’s – where are you not allowing Jesus to be King of your life?

What help will you need from other followers of Jesus to repent and believe?

8. Read 2 Peter 1:3-11. Discuss what God is saying to us – each aspect of what He says.

9. How does what God says in John 17:21-23 relate and correspond to 2 Peter 1:3-11?

10. The issue of the repetition of “gospel and discipleship” at PBC was addressed in the message. How are the gospel and discipleship the answer to all of life’s issues – especially difficulties?

11. What action will you take this week to avoid being like the Israelites in 1 Samuel 8 and to be LIKE Jesus as He describes Himself in the following passages?

John 5:19,30         John 8:28    John 14:10,11

1 Samuel 7 - God Shows Favor to Obedience


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 7 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another

Further Study March 26, 2017

1 Samuel 7

God shows favor to those who trust Him and do what He says.

1. Review the following passages. What part does obedience play in being a true follower/disciple of Jesus Christ?

Matthew 7:24-29            Mark 8:34-38                 Luke 14:25-27

2. Discuss what it means to “count the cost” of being a disciple of Jesus. Read the following passages for insight.

Luke 12:51-53               Luke 14:28-33

3. Discuss the idea that obedience to God might be optional for followers of Jesus.

 - Where does such an idea come from?

- Do you agree with this idea – honestly? Share areas where you have struggled in obedience.

4. Read John 15:1-8. What is God’s desire for His people?

5. Is obedience something WE produce in our own power? Where do followers of Jesus find strength to obey?

John 15:26,27                John 16:7-14

6. Do you, or have you ever, acted as if God owes you something for your obedience? Share your experiences. Discuss why that attitude is not a biblical worldview.

7. In 1 Samuel 7, what kind of impact did God’s favor have on Israel and their enemies as a result of their repentance and obedience?

How might our own repentance and obedience result in God’s favor?

8. Review the GoGrow Initiative below and your involvement.

 - How has God worked in you – share how you’ve seen Him change you.

 - What areas is God still working on in you? In our church family?

- What is God’s Spirit showing you that needs repentance and belief and obedience right now?

GoGrow Initiative

FOUNDATION                      FRAMING                    FINISHING

Jesus Christ                         Gospel                         Small grp involvement

His glory                              Discipleship                Connection Workshop

His Kingdom                                                            Usable space for growth

                                                                                 Each ministry connected

1 Samuel 5 & 6 God's Way - My Own Way


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 7 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another

Further Study Notes

1 Samuel 5:1 – 7:1

“A biblical worldview requires that we take the life of Jesus as our own.”

1. Read the following passages. What do these verses SAY (NOT what do they MEAN, what do they SAY)?

John 17:20-23                Colossians 1:27              Galatians 2:20

2. Compare Hebrews 4:14-16 with John 17:20-23 (previously read). How do these two passages, along with Colossians 1:27 and Galatians 2:20, relate?

3. Read as many of the following passages as time allows. Observe what each passage SAYS (If using the NIV Bible, please replace the words “sinful nature” with “flesh.”)

Acts 13:38,39                         Galatians 2:20

Romans 6                               Galatians 5:1

Romans 8:10,11                      Ephesians 2:3,4

2 Corinthians 5:17                   1 Peter 1:15

                                             1 John 2:1,2

What is the connecting theme in these passages? Without inserting what you’ve possibly always been taught, what do these passages clearly SAY?

One thing seen in 1 Samuel 5, 6, & 7 is that the Philistines could, if they allowed themselves, see clearly that the God of Israel was the true God. But they ignored what was obvious. Considering the previous passages, how could we be ignoring what God clearly says about sin and believers?

4. An unbiblical worldview causes people to ignore, miss, and even reject what God has communicated to mankind. How important to God is sound doctrine and correct teaching AND unity around that doctrine? Read as many of the following passages as time allows and discuss.

Romans 15:4-6                        1 Corinthians 1:10                   Ephesians 4:11-16

Philippians 2:2; 3:15,16           1 Timothy 1:3,10                    1 Timothy 6:3-5

2 Timothy 1:13                       2 Timothy 2:15                       2 Timothy 4:2-4

Titus 1:9                                Titus 2:1                                2 Peter 1:20,21

5. God desires His people to have one mind – see things the way He sees them. What can you do to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace with other followers of Jesus?

6. What is the error of a person who says, “I follow God in my own way.”? How can you address this error in a loving, gentle way?

7. How is God working in you and in your thinking in the Overwhelming Culture series? Share with others.

1 Samuel 4 Evaluate All of Life


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 5 & 6 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another

Further Study Notes

March 12, 2017

1 Samuel 4

1. Eli, his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, and Phinehas’s wife all died on the same day (1 Samuel 4:17-22). Why? Read 1 Samuel 2:27-36 and 1 Samuel 3:11-14

2. Read the following passages. How serious is God about maintaining His own pure character and about the purity of His people?

Leviticus 18:24-30         Deuteronomy 20:16-18            Joshua 10:40

Discuss the difficulty of these passages and the issue of purity as it relates to a God of love (perhaps this discussion could lead to many of the issues of God’s character).

3. What likely happened in Israel in the following areas as a result of the capture of the Ark of the Covenant, the death of Eli and his sons?

         - worship and sacrifice in the tabernacle

         - the possibility of the presence of God in the tabernacle

4. 1 Samuel 4:18, “Eli judged Israel for 40 years.” Go to the end of Judges and scan backward to find the previous judge of Israel.

5. Why is the departure of the glory of God do devastating?

Psalm 19:1           Romans 3:23                  Hebrews 1:3         1 Peter 5:10

6. List the factors from 1 Samuel 1 – 4 that led to the departure of God’s glory.

7. What keeps God’s glory hidden from us in the 21st-century American church? What keeps God’s glory hidden from PBC?

8. What can YOU do to remove barriers to God’s glory personally and for PBC?

1 Samuel 3 - God Speaks to Us


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 4 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another


Further Study Notes

For March 5, 2017 message

Scripture passage – 1 Samuel 3:1 – 4:1

1. General comments and observations

2. In Henry Blackaby’s book, “Experiencing God,” he lays out four ways God speaks to people today:

         - through the Bible

         - through prayer

         - through circumstances

         - through His people

Discuss the following issues as you consider how God spoke in Samuel’s time

         - How might God use those four ways of speaking to YOU today?

- Discuss the possibility of mishearing – who or what else could seek to influence us and why?

- Consider which, if any, of those four ways of speaking is most reliable and trustworthy – should any of them be more prioritized than any others? Why?

- How might God use all four ways to make Himself clear in any situation?

3. As the people of God, what is our responsibility when what God says in the Bible contradicts what the world’s culture says?

Is that YOUR response? Why or why not? How can we help one another?

4. Are there things in your life that you know God is calling you to repentance?

5. What will you apply and act on this week from what you have heard and read? Keep a record and ask someone else to pray for you and help you.



1 Samuel 2 - Responsibility vs Power


PRAY God’s work in you and us and our community

READ 1 Samuel 3 and keep reading Judges

OBEY God’s leading and guidance in your response

SHARE with another follower of Jesus how God is working – help one another and pray for one another